Compute the per-capita growth rate for a given model. Can handle stochastic and deterministic models, and has the option to discard burn in for stochastic models.

lambda(ipm, ...)

# S3 method for simple_di_det_ipm
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "last", log = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for simple_di_stoch_kern_ipm
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for simple_di_stoch_param_ipm
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for general_di_det_ipm
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "last", log = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for general_di_stoch_kern_ipm
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

# S3 method for general_di_stoch_param_ipm
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

# S3 method for simple_dd_det_ipm
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "all", ..., log = FALSE)

# S3 method for simple_dd_stoch_kern_ipm
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

# S3 method for simple_dd_stoch_param_ipm
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

# S3 method for general_dd_det_ipm
lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "last", ..., log = FALSE)

# S3 method for general_dd_stoch_kern_ipm
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)

# S3 method for general_dd_stoch_param_ipm
lambda(ipm, ..., type_lambda = "stochastic", burn_in = 0.1, log = NULL)



An object returned by make_ipm().


other arguments passed to methods.


Either 'all', 'last', or 'stochastic'. 'all' returns a vector of lambda values for each time step of the simulation (equal in length to the iterations argument of make_ipm()). 'last' returns the lambda value for the final timestep. 'stochastic' returns a single value, which by default is mean(log(lambda(ipm, type_lambda = "all"))), with the proportion of burn_in iterations removed from the beginning of the simulation. Set log to FALSE to get lambda on the linear scale for stochastic models (i.e. exp(mean(log(lambdas)))).


Return lambda on the log scale? This is TRUE by default for stochastic models, and FALSE for deterministic models.


The proportion of iterations to discard. Default is 0.1 (i.e. first 10% of iterations in the simulation).


When type_lambda = "all", an array. Rows correspond to time steps, and columns correspond to parameter sets (if any). For other types, a numeric vector.