A proto_ipm for a monocarpic perennial



A proto_ipm for a simple IPM of Oenothera glazioviana. The parameters are from Ellner, Childs, & Rees (2016), Chapter 2, and the data are from Kachi & Hirose (1985). Parameter values can be accessed with parameters(monocarp_proto), vital rate expressions can be accessed with vital_rate_exprs(monocarp_proto), etc.


Kachi, H., & Hirose, T. (1985). Population dynamics of _Oenothera glazioviana_ in a sand-dune system with special reference to the adaptive significance of size-dependent reproduction. Journal of Ecology 73: 887-901. https://doi.org/10.2307/2260155

Ellner, S.P., Childs, D.Z., Rees, M. (2016) Data-driven modelling of structured populations: a practical guide to the integral projection model. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG